Ho Chi Minh City

The Pearl of the Far East

Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon, is a bustling metropolis in Vietnam. With its vibrant street life, rich history, and delicious food, it offers a unique and exciting travel experience. Immerse yourself in the local culture by exploring the lively markets, savoring authentic Vietnamese cuisine, and visiting historical landmarks. From the stunning architecture of the Notre Dame Cathedral to the bustling markets of Ben Thanh, Ho Chi Minh City has something for everyone. Whether you're interested in history, culture, or just want to indulge in delicious food, a visit to Ho Chi Minh City promises to be an unforgettable adventure.

Experience the energy and charm of Ho Chi Minh City as you explore its bustling streets and immerse yourself in its vibrant culture. Discover the city's rich history through its iconic landmarks and museums, indulge in delicious street food, and shop for unique souvenirs at the local markets. Whether you're exploring the city's colonial architecture, cruising along the Saigon River, or simply people-watching at a sidewalk cafe, Ho Chi Minh City offers a captivating blend of old-world charm and modernity. Don't miss the chance to experience the warmth and hospitality of the Vietnamese people as you create lasting memories in this incredible city.


  • Notre Dame Cathedral: A beautiful example of French colonial architecture.
  • Ben Thanh Market: A lively market where you can find everything from souvenirs to street food.
  • War Remnants Museum: A sobering museum that documents the Vietnam War.
  • Reunification Palace: The historic site where the Vietnam War officially ended.
  • Saigon Opera House: An elegant French-style opera house that hosts various performances.
  • Bitexco Financial Tower: The city's tallest building with a stunning observation deck.

Before You Go

  • Get a Vietnam visa before traveling to Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Check the weather and pack accordingly.
  • Learn a few basic Vietnamese phrases to communicate with the locals.
  • Take precautions against mosquitoes, especially during the rainy season.
  • Research local customs and dress respectfully when visiting temples or pagodas.
  • Observe traffic rules and exercise caution when crossing the busy streets.

Tips and Tricks

  • Try the local street food for an authentic culinary experience.
  • Visit the Cu Chi Tunnels to learn about Vietnam's history.
  • Explore the city by renting a motorbike, but exercise caution.
  • Bargain when shopping at the markets to get the best prices.
  • Stay hydrated and carry a hat and sunscreen to protect yourself from the heat.
  • Take a river cruise along the Saigon River to see the city from a different perspective.

Things to do

Check out these activities provided by our partner, Viator. If you’re a Dónde member, purchase these by logging into app.godonde.com.
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